Trouble Shooting

I double-clicked on the Sidescape icon, but even after waiting a long time, it didn't start.
If the "modern memory manager" is not on, then Sidescape will take a few minutes to start. So, use the Memory control panel and switch on "modern memory manager."

The URL List's title bar become not to be active.
This is a Sidescape bug. Click on the Desktop. Then click the URL List window.

During Auto Navigation, I hear a beep sound. After that, Auto Navigation seems not to proceed. What should I do?
Look at the upper right corner of the display. If the Netscape and Sidescape icons are flashing alternately, Netscape Navigator want to give a warning message. Click on Netscape Navigator, pulling the process to the front. Sometimes it takes more than 10 seconds to come to the front. Just keep clicking, again and again. When the warning appears on the screen, then click OK. After that, you can continue normal operation.